Sound Frequency Techniques

The use of sound to induce out-of-body experiences is an ancient practice dating back thousands of years. The Tibetan monks and shamans are famous for their use of chants, chimes and bells to enhance their meditative states. In the last two decades the benefits of chanting and mantras have become a well-established part of meditation classes. The repetition of certain sounds is widely known and accepted as an effective method to enhance and improve an individual's focus of attention.

I'm certain that with continuing research and development, this revolutionary form of out-of-body induction will become commonplace in the near future. In order to introduce you to sound frequency techniques I have enclosed an ancient technique used for centuries by Tibetan monks. This is one of the oldest recorded out-of-body techniques.


Classic Sound Technique


Take several deep breaths and completely relax. Become comfortable in your designated out-of-body area. Close your eyes and begin to focus your attention just above the crown of your head. Concentrate all of your awareness above your head until the sensations of your body begin to disappear.


As your physical sensations begin to fade, softly intone the sound OM seven times. Let the sound resonate through the top of your head.


Repeat the OM sound in your mind seven times. Be completely aware of the sound resonating in your mind. Let the sound rise through the top of your head.


Focus all of your attention on the very core of the resonance and allow the sound to slowly ascend toward the ceiling. Feel your awareness merging with the sound. As much as possible, become one with the rising sound, as your body becomes increasingly relaxed.


Feel your awareness rising with the sound. Become one with the OM resonance. Enjoy the sound and flow with it. Feel yourself become lighter and lighter as you float with the sound. Allow your physical body to rest and sleep as you focus all of your attention on the rising sound. Maintain all of your attention on the rising sound as your body falls to sleep. As you begin to fall asleep concentrate all of your awareness on the rising sound.



This technique can be effectively used with an out-of-body induction sound tape. When using any external sound system, remember to focus upon your internal sounds. The external sound is only designed to be a reinforcement and enhancement of your own voice.